Who Is…Jamie Lee?

Generation 2 (Seasons 6-current)


Season 4

The Conception of Jamie Lee

During Season 4, Chapter 52, Don Lothario had a one night stand with Liberty Lee and conceived Jamie. Discovering her roommate Summer was also pregnant with Don’s baby at the time, Liberty quickly moved out.

Season 6 (Toddler Years)

Jamie first appeared in Chapter 95: The Return of Liberty Lee. Looking to make amends and prove he could be a better man, Don sought out Liberty and Jamie. Upon meeting Don for the first time, Jamie hugged him and was thrilled to meet her dad.

“Hi Jamie. It’s nice to meet you,” he whispered with tears welling up into his eyes.

Travitha, Don’s other daughter and Jamie’s half sister, arrived with him. Travitha did not want anything to do with her half-sister and was instantly jealous.

As Jamie swung upside down smiling, Travitha glared from down below. She didn’t want Jamie to replace her.

Season 7: The Death of Liberty Lee

Jamie did not reappear again until midway through Season 7 in Chapter 110: Every Story Has Its Ending. It is revealed that Liberty moved into a large mansion in Willow Creek with a nanny. While Liberty was cooking an evening barbecue for herself and Jamie, Summer Holiday snuck into the woods behind the house and set Liberty on fire. The fire department did not arrive in time and Liberty Lee died. Jamie witnessed the death of her mother and was crushed.

“How could we get here too late?!” The firefighters cried distraught as they still weren’t putting out the remaining fire.
And then the tears just kept on coming. Suddenly, she realized she had to go find her dad.

After her mother died, Jamie visited her father in Chapter 111: Ch…Ch…Changes, and told him the news. He then took her in to live with him.

“Mom’s dead,” she cried, falling into Don’s arms as he clutched her.

Season 8: Life as a Hostage

In Season 8, Chapter 125: There’s No Place Like Home, it is reestablished that Jamie still lived with Don as he called her to tell her that he’d be home soon after trying, unsuccessfully, to take down Summer Holiday. Upon hearing that Jamie was living with Don, Summer used her magic to transport Jamie into her home. She then trapped Jamie and Don inside her basement, holding them hostage.

“And don’t you worry, I fixed the locks,” she said as the doors closed. “Oh my Tetris game is still here!” Don said gleefully picking up the tablet.

In Chapter 127: Not the Family Jewels, Jamie tried to keep herself from panicking about life in the basement by singing to herself. It was obvious her dad wasn’t much help and she only had herself to lean on.

As Jamie quietly mumbled the words, “I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me,” and Don slept soundly in the bed…

When Summer Holiday set fire to Don and his bed, Jamie worried that he would die too. It is in this moment that she realized Summer must’ve killed her mom as well. Don jumped in the shower and put the fire out but Jamie was left shook over the experience.

Suddenly, the fire leapt across the bed and onto Don. “Ahhh! You’re on fire!” Jamie screamed as she pointed at him.

In Chapter 129: Possessed, Jamie begged Don to help her escape but he seemed complacent with basement life, enjoying the cereal and Tetris games on the tablet. Worried about her well being though, he lied to her and claimed that he freed another child (Caiden Scott, whom he doesn’t mention by name) from the basement before. He withholds the truth that he just got lucky and promised to help her get out, knowing full well he had no idea how.

“I’m sorry, Jamie,” Don said. “I will get us out. I saved a kid from this basement before and I can save you too,” he said.

Trying to show her that he was at least making an effort in their escape plans, Don attempted to break through the basement’s vault door with zero handiness skill. He jumped up and kicked the door, and shockingly, it opened. Jamie was shocked that he managed to open it and the two of them escaped.

“No seriously, the doors are opened Jamie,” Don said as she wasn’t watching.

Don quickly called The Warden to arrest Summer Holiday. Instead of running away, Don and Jamie walked back inside the house to watch the fight as the Warden arrested Summer for her crimes.

After Summer was arrested, Travitha forced Jamie to eat a magic cake, just as she had been forced to do. With no other choice, Jamie swiped a bite of the frosting and aged up into a teenager.

Her eyes drooped as she swiped frosting onto her finger. She knew this was a trick and there would be consequences but she also knew, she had no choice.

However, unlike Travitha, she wasn’t bitter. After a childhood of misery, she was thrilled to be of an age where she could take down the people that have hurt her family most of all.

“I’m going to take them all down one day,” Jamie thought to herself. “Travitha may have thought aging me up was some sort of punishment… like it was for her. But for me, it’s a gift. I finally have the power to stop all of this madness. To take down Summer and Travitha once and for all. It may take some time and some planning, but one day, they will be stopped.”

More to come as her story progresses…

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