Who Is…Don Lothario?
Generation 1 (Seasons 1-current)
Don Lothario Sims 4 is originally from The Sims 4 Base Game and can be found residing in Oasis Springs with his three roommates, Dina Caliente, Nina Caliente, and Katrina Caliente.
Season 1
Dating Hannah McCoy
Don first appeared in Chapter 3: You’re Married?! as a potential suitor for the lead protagonist, Hannah McCoy. Hannah ignored all of Don’s red flags and pursued him, even though he was chatting up other girls at the exact same time. After their first time woohooing, Don promptly left Hannah’s home without saying so much as a goodbye.

After woohooing together again in Chapter 4: Dating Don Lothario, Don asked Hannah to be his girlfriend and she gleefully accepted. On their next outing, he tagged along with her and Travis to the Spice Festival. Upon meeting Travis for the first time, Don instantly picked up on Travis’ crush on Hannah. Not only was he jealous of their friendship, he was jealous of Travis’ entire good guy persona. After daydreaming about her future, Hannah decided to propose to Don and he accepted.

After proposing, the two of them invited Hannah’s friends to Taratosa to celebrate. Throughout the dinner, Don tried his best to keep his distance from her friends, as he wanted nothing to do with them.
The Wedding Week
The next morning, Hannah took Don to her dream wedding location: a beautiful castle in Taratosa. During their conversation, Don told Hannah he didn’t want to get married there. He wanted to get married at the Old Penelope Plane Wreck in Strangerville. Hannah begrudgingly agreed to think about it but knew the castle would be their location. A plane wreck after all? Come on!

When Hannah went to sleep that night, Don headed out onto the town for an unforgettable clubbing experience. In the 24 Style Themed Episode, Chapter 7: A Night in the Life of Don Lothario, Don managed to woo and woohoo with three different women between the hours of midnight and 5 am. Upon arriving home just after 5, Don cooked breakfast before Hannah awoke to ensure she wasn’t suspicious of his late night antics.

During their morning breakfast, Don expressed his fears of marriage to Hannah. He then proceeded to blame it on her castle wedding location and claimed the plane wreck would make him feel less worried about their impending nuptials.
Old Penelope Plane Wreck Sims 4
At 8:30 that morning, they headed to the plane wreck to check out the location. Hannah was absolutely disgusted with the idea of marrying there as the dirt flew around them. After arguing about the location, Don agreed to marry at the castle.

However, as soon as Hannah left the plane wreck for work, Don decided that he would switch the location to the Old Penelope Plane Wreck anyways. While he was still there, a woman ran by and he decided to woohoo with her inside the bunker.
Afterwards, Don went home and slept while Hannah was at work. When Hannah returned home and went to bed, Don headed out for another night at the same club. He once again hooked up with three women before 5 am. The third one he woohoo’d with ended up pregnant with his daughter Nikki, unbeknownst to him.
Don Lothario vs. Travis Scott Sims 4
A couple days later while Hannah was at work, Travis came to the door. Don rudely greeted him and told him to leave. Travis told Don how much he cared for Hannah and how awful Don was for her. As Don claimed Hannah as “his”, Travis promised that despite how much he hated Don, he wouldn’t get in his way. Travis then took out a ball of clay and Don lashed out at him, accusing him of stealing his inventory clay. When Travis informed him it was his, Don became furious and fought Travis.

Unfortunately, Don was stronger and won. He then told Travis to leave and yelled that their wedding would be the last time Travis would ever see Hannah.
The night of their rehearsal dinner, Don and Hannah got into a fight over Travis. Don implied that she needed to end her friendship with Travis if they were going to get married. During the dinner, Don once again distanced himself from Hannah’s friends, refusing to get to know them. After Hannah left for the evening to get sleep before their wedding, Don proceeded to woohoo with Penny Pizzazz.
The Hannah McCoy & Don Lothario Sims 4 Wedding
The day of the wedding, much to her dismay, Hannah discovered the location had been changed to the Old Penelope Plane Wreck without her knowledge. To avoid humiliation, Hannah proceeded with the wedding, despite her growing feelings for Travis and her anger over Don’s betrayal.

Shortly after their vows, Hannah caught Don flirting with Dina Caliente. As she cried heartbroken, Don headed to the bunker with Dina and woohoo’d with her in the closet. Hannah followed and caught the two of them together.

Finally realizing how awful Don was, Hannah slapped him and told him they were over.

Don Lothario and Hannah McCoy Breakup
When she returned home, Don was waiting for her and asked for her forgiveness. However, his motives were mostly due to the laziness of not wanting to move out. Hannah turned him down instantly and told him they were getting a divorce right then and there. Don tried to prove he could be a good husband by carrying out the trash, but she knocked the can over before he could make it there.

Much to his dismay, she then went inside and locked the door. He, however, was mostly disappointed because it meant he was missing his favorite football games.

Season 2
Don does not appear in any season 2 episodes.
Season 3
Don Lothario Sims 4 The Pyromaniac
In Season 3, Summer Holiday sought out Don in hopes of throwing a wrench in Hannah and Travis’ marriage. When she arrived at his home, he was standing in the backyard as his barbecue burned behind him.

Summer tried to convince him that they should become a couple so she could make Travis jealous but Don wanted no part in it. He instantly rejected her claiming, “I don’t need another Travis obsessed girl.”

Don Lothario: The Bitter Ex
In Chapter 39: Drinks with Don Lothario, Hannah, now a celebrity, went to the bar to meet up with an old friend but ended up running into Don. Still bitter over her choosing Travis, Don mocked her and the two ended up in an argument that often circled back to his love for the Old Penelope Plane Wreck.

When Hannah tried to leave, Don stopped her and tried to make her look bad in front of the paparazzi. He shoved her and then proceeded to try and kiss her. She pushed him away and told him that was the grossest thing ever.

Furious, he left threatening that this wasn’t the last she’d see of him.
While Hannah was still out, Don headed to Hannah and Travis’ home to pick a fight with Travis. Letting himself inside, he confronted Travis and threatened to fight him. Now ripped, Travis was ready for the fight and proudly won. Travis told Don to leave and Don claimed he would.

Don Meets Hannah and Travis’ Kids
He headed into the living room where he spotted Don and Hannah’s toddlers, Caiden and Annabelle. He sat down on the couch with them and shared his version of his and Hannah’s story, claiming Hannah was at fault and broke his heart. Caiden instantly knew it was a lie and glared at him, while Annabelle didn’t know what to believe. Annabelle started to cry and Caiden became furiously protective of his younger sister.

When Don headed back into the kitchen, Caiden followed him and bit him.

Shortly after, Hannah arrived home and told Don to leave. Travis overheard Don still there and came in to fight him. Once again winning, Travis threw him out.

The next day, a new home popped into the neighborhood. Much to Hannah and Travis’ dismay, they discovered that Don had moved in. Don lamented that he would remain a thorn in their sides until the day they died and that he would never leave. Distraught, Hannah and Travis left.

As they were trying to figure out their future plans, Don cooked a meal for himself in the kitchen. His highly flammable towel caught fire and the season ended with him going up in flames.

Season 4
In the Season 4 premiere, Don survived the fire when a firewoman came and saved him just in the knick of time.
In Chapter 48, Travis received a want to apologize to Don for their fight in season 3. Not truly feeling bad about it, Travis went to Don’s home and “apologized” by mocking him at the exact same time.

Don’s Vengeance Scheme
Feeling vengeful over Travis’ lackluster apology, Don sought out Summer Holiday to take her up on her offer to take down Hannah and Travis.

Lured into her Travis shrine bedroom, Don was too horrified to woohoo inside of it.

The two of them ended up woohooing in the shower. After Summer went to sleep, Don met her roommate Liberty Lee and woohoo’d with her as well.

Don and Summer’s Break-In
The next morning, Summer and Don headed to the Scott house to cause mayhem. After breaking in and woohooing in the Scott house shower, Don was caught in the living room by Caiden, now a child. Caiden bravely shoved him but Don unfortunately proceeded to spook him.

Moments later, Travis, who had been distracted by only seeing Summer, spotted Don inside his home. As Summer and Hannah fought, Travis attacked Don. Once again, Travis won the fight, which was another blow to Don’s ego.

After hearing Summer attempt to hit on Travis once again, Don was insulted and wondered why all of these women wanted Travis instead of him. Before leaving, Summer proceeded to call Don her boyfriend and he told her she was crazy.

Don Lothario: The Travis Doll
Keeping his distance from Summer, he suddenly received a phone call from her, inviting him over. When he arrived, she announced that she was heavily pregnant with their daughter.

Liberty saw them together and frowned: she was pregnant from her night with Don too.

Knowing that he didn’t want to be a father, Summer offered Don a deal. Agreeing without knowing the terms, Don headed into Summer’s bedroom where she proceeded to give him a makeover to look like Travis.

Don was absolutely horrified. Summer then proceeded to try and convince Don they should be a couple now that he was her “Travis Doll”. After giving birth to their daughter, Travitha, Summer led Don into the basement for one last woohoo together. Not able to ever say no to woohoo, Don agreed.

Afterwards, Summer climbed up the basement ladder and built a wall in front of it, trapping Don inside.

Season 5
Don Lothario: Prisoner
Trapped inside Summer’s basement, Summer occasionally came down to yell at Don. When she noticed he still had his beard, she ordered him to shave it off in order to look more like Travis.
While he was sleeping, Summer kidnapped Caiden and brought him down into the basement to live with Don. When Don awoke, he saw Caiden, who he quickly nicknamed “Biter”. Neither were excited to see each other and Caiden insulted Don multiple times. After being trapped for so long though, Don found Caiden endearing and an unlikely bond began to form.

Later that night, Summer decided to switch the basement door to a vault door for extra security. She messed up however and put the door on backwards. Shortly after, Don and Caiden escaped. When Summer came to check on her captives, Don flipped the vault door around trapping her inside instead.
Before he left, he discovered his daughter Travitha sleeping in Liberty Lee’s old bedroom. Realizing she was his responsibility now, he took Travitha with him.
Don Lothario: Single Father
Don moved into a new apartment with Travitha and was surprisingly happy to be a father. His time with Caiden opened his heart up to children and he cherished spending time with her. It was then he vowed to change.

Season 6
Now enjoying fatherhood, Don decided to call Liberty Lee to meet their daughter, Jamie. Travitha was furious and jealous over Don spending time with his other child. Don tried to make amends with Liberty and explained what had happened to him. Still on the fence about whether or not he changed, Liberty dismissed his flirtations but told him he could spend time with their daughter.

While playing with Travitha and Jamie, Don briefly ran into his other daughter Nikki from his nightclub fling in Season 1. Nikki wanted nothing to do with him and left. Don then took Liberty out on a date to try and win her back, claiming he was a changed man. Liberty told him they could be together, but only if he proved he had actually changed.

Don Lothario: Redemption Tour
Wanting to do right by Liberty, Don began his official Don Lothario Redemption Tour. His first call was to Hannah and he asked her to meet him for coffee. She arrived but was skeptical of his story. During the conversation, Don let it slip about his time trapped in the basement with Caiden. Shocked over the news, Hannah softened but still refused to forgive him as he attempted to comfort her.

Afterwards, Don headed to Travis and Hannah’s home to apologize to Travis directly. Travis refused to accept Don’s apology.

Don begged and pleaded for his forgiveness, telling Travis he wanted to be just like him. He then asked Travis to be his “good guy guru”. Honored, Travis tried to help by first telling Don he had to become friends with a woman first, and had to give up random woohooing. Don began to blind panic and left devastated.

Summer’s Blind Attack
After arriving home, the neighborhood action plan to Wear Bags autonomously passed. As Don sat on his couch talking to Travitha with a bag over his head, Summer arrived to kidnap Travitha.

Without hearing or seeing her, Don headed to the bathroom. Upon his return, Summer had already snatched Travitha. As he sat on the couch assuming Travitha was playing the silent game, Summer reappeared in the apartment and set fire to the couch. Running, with the bag still over his head, Don headed to the lobby. Summer teleported behind him, this time, successfully setting him on fire too.

Season 7
A firewoman arrived just in time and put the fire out, saving Don’s life. Pretending to be the firewoman as Don still wore the bag over his head, Summer convinced him to woohoo with her again.
Don and Liberty Lee
Convinced he was a changed man, Don headed to Liberty Lee’s home and told her he was ready to be her boyfriend. She was still unconvinced, bitter about the way he had treated her in the past. Despite turning down his request to be his girlfriend, Liberty woohoo’d with him. The woohoo was unfortunately not good and Don was devastated that he was giving up a life of good woohoo. Still though, he was determined to be a better man and continued to try for a relationship with Liberty.

In Chapter 109, Liberty texted Summer telling her that she and Don were going to attempt a relationship. Jealous, Summer teleported to Liberty’s home and set her on fire, killing her. Liberty’s daughter Jamie watched in horror. After the death of her mom, Jamie visited Don to tell him what had happened. Don comforted her and told her she would live with him.

Don Facilitates Summer’s Takedown
Furious about Liberty’s death, Don headed to a local prison that popped up in Magnolia Promenade. Meeting with the Warden, Don told her that Summer was to blame for Liberty’s death.

He then proceeded to meet a female prisoner, Chloe Montgomery, and flirted with her. Chloe told him that she was in prison for woohooing elderly men to death and Don was intrigued. She told him that if she ever left, she’d visit him.

After leaving the prison, Don had a revelation. Even though he was now happy to be a father, he was ready to revert back to his old lifestyle in every other way.

More to come as his story progresses…
There is no Don Lothario Merch currently available in my gift shop!
Sims 4 Traits
- Active
- Noncommital
- Romantic
- Alluring
- Unemployed (Seasons 1-5)
- Lawn Mower (Seasons 6-7)
- Travitha Holiday-Scott-Lothario (daughter)
- Jamie Lee (daughter)
- Nikki (daughter)
- Hannah McCoy (ex-wife)
- Travis Scott (nemesis)
- Caiden “Biter” Scott (nemesis/basement buddies)
- Summer Holiday (fling)
- Liberty Lee (fling/girlfriend)
- Dina Caliente (fling)
- Nina Caliente (fling)
- Candy Behr (fling)
- Jade Rosa (fling)
- Penny Pizzazz (fling)
- Nikki’s Mother – Name Unknown (fling)
- Woman from Planewreck (fling)
Episode Appearances
Chapter 3: You’re Married?! (Season 1, Episode 3)
Chapter 4: Dating Don Lothario (Season 1, Episode 4)
Chapter 5: Tis the Season…For a Budding Love Triangle (Season 1, Episode 5)
Chapter 6: Proposals, Castles, and Airplanes, Oh My! (Season 1, Episode 6)
Chapter 7: A Night in the Life of Don Lothario (Season 1, Episode 7)
Chapter 8: Are We More Than Friends? (Season 1, Episode 8)
Chapter 9: Travis vs Don…Hey Man, That’s My Clay! (Season 1, Episode 9)
Chapter 10: The Rehearsal Dinner (Season 1, Episode 10)
Chapter 11: Can I Steal You for a Second? or Maybe Forever (Season 1, Episode 11)
Chapter 12: The Day I Met Travis (Season 1, Episode 12)
Chapter 13: The Plane Wreck for a Train Wreck (Season 1, Episode 13)
Chapter 14: Down in the Bunker… (Season 1, Episode 14)
Chapter 15: Taking Out the Trash (Season 1, Episode 15)