Caiden Scott, son of Travis Scott from The Sims 4.

Who Is…Caiden Scott?

Generation 2 (Seasons 2-current)


Seasons 2-3

Welcome to the World, Caiden Scott

Caiden Scott is the first biological child of Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy-Scott. He was born in Season 2, Chapter 23 “Baby Boy Caiden”. From the moment he was born, he was always the family’s wild child.

Before she knew it, Hannah was holding their new son, Caiden Scott, in her arms.

Toddler Years

As a toddler with the wild trait, he proudly ran around naked, everywhere. Whether it was on the lawn of the family’s tiny home in Taratosa or inside the library in Newcrest, Caiden was never afraid to be himself.

Caiden loved his life in Taratosa. He could run around naked…

In season 3, Don Lothario walked into the family’s home uninvited to pick a fight with Travis. Don then proceeded to sit down and badmouth Caiden’s mother Hannah to him and his little sister, Annabelle. After Don implied that Annabelle may be just as mean as her mom, Caiden became furious.

Annabelle started crying. She didn’t want to be a mean person. Caiden was even angrier now. How dare this strange man make his little sister cry!

After he followed Don into the kitchen, Caiden stood his ground and bit him. Once Don left the house, Caiden headed upstairs and quickly told Annabelle that the “bad man” had left.

But when Don stuck his arm out, Caiden bit him.

Season 4

Exploring His Interests

When Caiden became a child, he rapidly explored his interests. From sports to karaoke, he loved trying anything and everything! However, he quickly learned he wasn’t interested in activities that kept him physically inactive. When he wasn’t busy testing his interests, he would spend his time snuggling the family dog, Buttercup. While his brother Jarrett was far from coordinated (and kicked Caiden in the head with a soccer ball), Caiden quickly fell in love with sports.

Unfortunately. Jarrett wasn’t nearly as athletic and hit Caiden straight in the face with the ball.

Leila Harris

On the very first day of school, Caiden met Leila Harris. They quickly became inseparable. He loved showing off with silly jokes, just to see her laugh. The two of them would sing karaoke together and Leila would meet him every morning at the park before school to play.

He showed off how strong he was as he pulled her back to push her on the swing.

After school, Caiden and Leila met up at Plumbob Studios and explored together. They then headed to a movie where they had the theater all to themselves. Instead of watching, they spent the entire movie chatting and laughing as Caiden made funny faces at her. It was that night he asked her to be his best friend.

He playfully teased her, poking at her chin.

After she left, Caiden didn’t want the night to end. Instead of heading home, he spent the evening jumping into trash bins checking for toys.

After saying goodnight, Caiden didn’t want the night to end. Always ready for an adventure, Caiden jumped into a trash bin, checking for some cool new toys.

A couple days later, Leila came by distraught. She had messed up a book report and was beside herself. Knowing just how to make her laugh, Caiden playfully made funny faces and jokes, and brought a smile to her face.

Summer & Don’s Break-In

In season 4, Summer Holiday and Don Lothario barged into the Scott house uninvited. Caiden was the first family member to run into Don. He instantly remembered him from the time he bit him and ordered him to leave. Don didn’t abide and ended up in a fight with Travis. While his parents fought both intruders, Caiden watched in shock.

“I may not bite, but I can shove you,” Caiden said. “Get out of my house.”

Casey & Caiden’s Mountain Adventure

During a trip to the mountains, Caiden and his younger brother Casey bonded over their love of sports. When Casey wiped out on the slopes, Caiden comforted him and told him to just have fun. The two of them quickly bonded and agreed to become partners in crime.

Caiden came over and pulled out his phone. “Don’t worry about it Casey! I promise you’ll get better! Besides we’re just having fun!” He pulled out his phone to take a picture of them to remember the day.

Season 5

Summer’s Impersonation

When Summer Holiday showed up at the Scott house pretending to be Hannah, she found Caiden in the backyard. Introducing herself as his mother, he knew right away she was crazy. He continued to instigate her with snarky comebacks and she threatened to kidnap him. He responded that his parents would never let that happen. As she left to find Travis, Caiden pondered that his parents should start locking their gate.

“You watch it before I take you with me.”

Fall Out with Leila and Kidnapping

One evening, Caiden and Leila went to the park together to play. When the two of them sat down to do their homework, Caiden wouldn’t take it seriously. When Leila told him to take it seriously, he responded, “don’t be such a mom”. Furious, Leila left him in the park alone.

“You’re so smart Caiden!! You just need to do your homework!” She said frustrated.

Just as Caiden was about to leave, Summer Holiday arrived at the park. She tried to convince Caiden that she was his dad’s best friend until their own falling out, hoping to capitalize on his fight with Leila. She told him that she just wanted her best friend back. Being extremely savvy and smart, however, Caiden didn’t believe a word she said.

Summer Holiday tries to kidnap Caiden Scott in The Sims 4
He slapped her hand away as she tried to grab his arm.

With her lies unable to move Caiden, Summer decided to kidnap him. She swiftly made him part of her group and took him home with her where she trapped him inside the basement with her other prisoner, Don Lothario.

Basement Buddies with Don Lothario

Upon his arrival in the basement, Caiden exclaimed to Summer that his parents would notice if he wasn’t home. She claimed that the basement was his new home and Don was his father now.

When Don awoke from his nap, he saw Caiden. Still remembering him as the toddler who bit him, he quickly nicknamed him “Biter”.

Caiden Scott and Don Lothario are stuck in the basement together in The Sims 4
“As long as you stay away from me, no. There won’t be a fight. But don’t think I can’t take you.” Caiden said pushing him back.

Caiden instantly ragged on Don, exchanging jabs with the man who terrorized his family. After being in captivity though for so long, Don began to find it endearing. The two gradually bonded as they schemed various ways to escape.

When Summer changed the door to the basement to a vault door, she accidentally installed it in the wrong direction. Before it could be fixed, Don and Caiden ceased the moment and escaped.

Caiden’s Return Home

Upon returning home, Caiden saw his brother Casey. When he shared his experience briefly, Casey thought he was telling a bad joke. Caiden then informed his sister Annabelle about his night. She was shocked and advised him that he should tell their parents. He quickly refuted the idea. Realizing they didn’t notice he had disappeared for an evening, he felt excited that he could continue his late night adventures.

As Caiden snuck back to the house at the crack of dawn, he ran into Casey.
Caiden walked over and gave his little sister a hug. He may have been brushing off the events of his night, but he would’ve missed Annabelle terribly if he had remained trapped.

Season 6

Making Amends with Leila

After the death of the family’s dog, Buttercup, Caiden was distraught. Knowing Leila was the one person he could turn to for comfort, he called her, despite their falling out over homework. Putting their argument behind them, Leila invited Caiden over.

Trying to cheer him up, Leila took Caiden fishing. Caiden was bored out of his mind though. When it started to rain, he laid on the ground to watch the thunderstorm. Leila ran off seeking cover, but Caiden stood outside enjoying the thrill.

But Caiden was invigorated by the storm. “No way!” He said. “Let’s lie down in the rain! It’s only a little sprinkle!”

First Visit to Strangerville

A few evenings later, Caiden snuck out to Strangerville with Leila and they explored the outskirts of the Secret Lab.

They ran inside and took pictures in front of the secret door. This place is wild, Caiden thought.

While Leila left early, Caiden continued his adventure and bought some bizarre fruit from the local vendor shop. He was warned never to eat it himself and obliged, while keeping it in his inventory.

“Hey kid, whatcha doing out this late at night? Where are you from?” The shop owner said suspiciously.

Season 7

Hannah Finds Out About His Kidnapping

Near the end of Season 6, Don let it slip to Caiden’s mom Hannah about their time trapped in the basement. When Hannah confronted Caiden, he tried blowing her off telling her “kicked it down there” and that he was home before the night was even over. Oversharing, he accidentally mentioned his other late night escapades as well. Realizing what he had done, he got up and tried to leave the conversation.

Furious, Hannah followed him. When she let out her frustration about not knowing he was sneaking out, he responded that it wasn’t her fault. She was far too overwhelmed with a house full of five kids to notice.

Feeling overwhelmed by aging up, she was infuriated now. “I don’t need to go to bed early! I’m still plenty young Caiden. And five kids was only overwhelming when you were all toddlers and couldn’t sit more than two seconds in a high chair.”
“Was it really our fault you kept taking us out instead of letting us eat?”

He continued to use his wit to try and wiggle his way out of the trouble he was in. Hannah, however, was not falling for it. She immediately grounded him and then bought a Family Board to officially start a curfew for Caiden and the rest of the children.

Less than a day into his punishment, Caiden complained to his mom that he felt like he was in jail being forced to stay at home.

First Days as a Teen

When Caiden became a teenager, his first visit was to see Leila, who was also a teenager now. From the moment he saw her, he had a massive crush on her. However, as he actively tried to pursue her, she turned him down repeatedly, calling him her “buddy” and laughing off his advances.

“You know, Casey has been saying for a long time that you’re my girlfriend. Wanna make it official now that we’re teenagers? Seal it with a kiss?”

During his very first day of high school, he decided to skip his classes and explore the school. His magnetic personality instantly made the other students flock to him, including Evie Delgato, who seemed to have a crush on him. While skipping class, the principal caught him and he tried to wiggle his way out of trouble. Unfortunately, he ended up with detention. Instead of taking that as a lesson to attend class, he realized he needed to figure out a craftier way to skip class without getting caught.

“I get that ma’am, I do. But it’s my first day at school and I didn’t know what the bell sounded like. I thought it was the fire alarm and was trying to route to safety.”

After school, Caiden practiced football with a fellow student and considered joining the football team. He then threw a party at the ruins.

Romance with Leila & Late Night Parties

During the party, he flirted with Leila, but this time, she accepted his advances and they kissed for the very first time. Feeling high on life, Caiden performed a fire dance for his friends while they cheered him on. Leila watched until she realized it was late and she needed to study.

“Oh wow,” she mumbled as their lips parted. She felt as though little hearts were swirling around her.

Arriving home long after curfew, Hannah caught Caiden as he entered the house. She yelled at him and he claimed she was being a “buzzkill” and that he was practically An adult now. Knowing she couldn’t keep him from leaving the house, she took away his phone instead which devastated him. Caiden tried to make it up to his parents by doing household chores, but they refused to return his phone.

“Relax mom. I’m basically a grown up now. It’s not like I can get kidnapped again. And if I did, I’d just escape. No sweat mom.”

The next day at school, Evie Delgato asked to be his best friend. Caiden quickly turned her down because he was adamant he would never doing anything to hurt Leila. After school, Caiden threw a weenie roast at Icecreek Lagoon. While there, he asked Leila to prom and she gleefully accepted.

Before Leila could finish massaging Caiden’s shoulders, he turned around and dropped to his knee. “Go to prom with me baby?” He said.

After they went swimming in the lagoon together, Leila began to worry she was prioritizing Caiden over her studies. After she headed home, Caiden stayed, deciding he wasn’t going to return home just yet.

The next day, he went to school, shirtless and then headed to the café, Bubbles, to meet his friends where he tried bubble blowing for the first time.

Love Day Fight with Leila

For Love Day, Caiden took Leila to the vineyard for a romantic dinner. As they waited for their meal, they got into an argument over Caiden’s carefree outlook on life. Leila expressed her disappointment about him not taking school seriously or having any goals. She claimed she was distracting him from his dreams. He told her that she was his dream and that was all that mattered to him. It was then she realized that he was distracting her from her dreams but she didn’t know how to tell him without hurting him.

Leila looked down. She didn’t know how to tell him that maybe he was distracting her from her dreams.

After their meal arrived, they put the argument aside and seemingly made up. Caiden invited Leila down into the wine cellar where he confessed to her that he loved her for the very first time.

“I love you,” he said softly as the door closed behind them. “You don’t have to worry about me, I’m going to be just fine.”

Season 8

Leila and Caiden’s First Prom

After their love day argument at the end of Season 7, Caiden and Leila moved past their differences. The two of them went to their first prom together where Caiden was crowned Prom Jester and Leila, Prom Royalty. As the two took their prom photos together, Leila confessed to Caiden that she was in love with him.

Afterwards, Leila and Caiden headed to the step-and-repeat to take their prom photo. “I love you Caiden,” she said, caught in the moment.

Bonding with Annabelle

While Leila focused on her studies, Caiden spent his time bonding with his younger sister, Annabelle. The two formed an incredibly close relationship during their weekend together. They initially planned to spend the day together outdoors but a storm rolled in and scared Annabelle, changing their plans. While at the Freezer Bunny Day Spa, Annabelle asked Caiden why the storm didn’t scare him. He optimistically shared with her his worry-free outlook on life.

“I just don’t like to worry so much. It’s not worth it. Life should be about living for the moment. If you fear every moment, you’ll never experience the beauty this world has to offer…and there’s beauty in everything! You’ll see.”

The next day, Caiden took Annabelle to the Freezer Bunny Festival where a woman stole Annabelle’s ice cream cone. Caiden stood up for his devastated sister and confronted the woman.

First Treasure Hunting Experience

In Chapter 125, the family took a summer vacation to Selvadorado. While the majority of the family was uninterested in the adventure and treasure hunt, Caiden thrived on it. He fearlessly entered traps before they were deactivated, leading him to eventually become poisoned.

Too eager to wait for Jarrett and Travis to remove the trap, he thought he’d just take a peek and see if he could see the treasure beyond the green mist.

Caiden didn’t let that phase him, however, and continued until he completed the treasure hunt.

“It’s — so — heavy,” he said as he pushed it, getting out of breath.

Upon returning to the lodge, he drank the antidote.

Caiden and Travitha K-i-s-s-i-n-g & Summer’s Possession

When Caiden returned home, Summer magically teleported him to meet her and Travitha at a park. Using her magic, she cast a love spell on Caiden, forcing him to kiss Travitha. While the spell convinced him to make out with her, he was still aware that he was under Summer’s control.

Caiden turned and grabbed Travitha, pulling her in for a kiss. “I made him love you,” said Summer. “And no. He’s not your brother. But he should’ve been.”

As the spell wore off, he realized he had to stop Summer. Pulling out the bizarre fruit he had collected as a child, he tricked Summer into taking a bite.

“Well, as basically your son-in-law I think it’s only fitting I give you a gift, to show my appreciation. After all, you helped me find Travitha.”

After she was possessed, he assertively told Travitha that he wasn’t interested in her and never would be.

“Do you know how much havoc she has wreaked on my family?! How many times she’s tried to set us all on fire? She trapped me in her basement for goodness sakes… and no. I’m not remotely into you either,” he shook his fist as the spell wore off.

Caiden vs. Ignacio

While at school, the class bully, Ignacio, was furious that the classroom was being overrun with Scott teenagers. While taking his anger out on Caiden, Caiden confronted him and made fun of his world domination plans. He made it clear that Ignacio didn’t scare him.

“You know I’ve already been kidnapped by a super villain. You don’t scare me at all, Ignacio,” Caiden said. Ignacio was taken aback. He wanted nothing more than to be the scariest sim alive.

Leila and Casey’s Affair

Caiden and Leila seemed happy together as they spent their time together after school at Bubbles cafe.

“I love you Leila Harris. You’re my forever,” Caiden said as Leila clutched her heart.

However, while Caiden was in the bathroom, his brother Casey made a pass at Leila.

Unbeknownst to Caiden, Leila accepted Casey’s invitation to dance together at prom as well. The morning before prom, Caiden offered to help Casey find a date but he rejected his offer.

“If you want I can fix you up!” Caiden offered.

As they got ready to leave, Casey pulled Caiden aside and confessed to him that he was in love with Leila. Confident in his relationship, Caiden assured Casey it was only his first crush and that he would find another girl for him.

“Look, Casey. You’re going to meet someone. The right girl. And when you do, you’ll realize just how silly this whole thing was.”

During prom, Caiden went off to grab a cup of punch while Leila and Casey danced together. He watched the two of them, happy that his girlfriend was making his dateless little brother feel comfortable. However, as he was watching them, Casey kissed Leila passionately.

He stood there awkwardly with his drink while watching Leila kiss Casey back.

Crushed, Caiden walked outside to process what he witnessed. As he stood outside, he was struck by lightning.

There was suddenly a crackle in the sky and a bolt of lightning struck him. As the electricity raced through his body, he only had one thought go through his brain: It looked like that classmate of mine was right to freak out after all. Lightning really is dangerous.

Surviving the lightning strike, Caiden walked back inside. He was called up on stage as he was once again, pronounced Prom Jester. Furious at his brother, he then confronted him. The two ended up in a fight on the dance floor.

“She’s my girlfriend!” Caiden yelled as their classmates gathered around to watch the fight.

The Prom Fallout

After fighting with his brother on the dance floor, Caiden and Casey talked outside. Furious at his brother, Caiden decided to try talking to Leila instead. She quickly turned the conversation on him though and told him they were too different and he wasn’t her soulmate.

“Best friends doesn’t always translate into soulmates, Caiden,” she said.

Crushed, he returned home where he relayed the events of prom to his mother, Hannah. She comforted him as best she could and tried to reassure him that the right sim was out there for him.

“Caiden, I know it doesn’t feel like it right now but the girl you’re meant to be with is out there. You’ll find her one day, I promise.”

Hannah tried to patch things up between the brothers. She convinced Casey to talk to Caiden in the morning; however, Casey decided it was best to confront him right away. He woke him during the night and attempted to apologize. With a lackluster apology, Caiden wasn’t ready to forgive him. Casey then lashed out and deflected the blame for the breakup onto Caiden.

“You and Leila were long headed for a breakup if she dumped you that quickly after just two kisses with me.”

Realizing he had gone too far, Casey tried to walk back what he said and truly apologize.

“Please Caiden, please forgive me. I promise Leila and I will never be together. I’ll keep my feelings inside for the rest of my life. You’re my brother Caiden.”

By then though, it was too late and Caiden told Casey he was no longer his brother.

Caiden stared at his brother. He didn’t want to stand in the way either, but he couldn’t muster the words through his anger and sadness. “You’re not my brother,” he said quietly. “Not anymore.”

The Family Gets Possessed

In the season finale, Travitha arrived at the Scott Family home with bizarre fruit in her inventory. She forced the majority of the Scott Family to eat the fruit until she was caught by Caiden. Caiden was furious and yelled at her, asking her what she did to them. She replied that she was getting back at him for possessing her mother.

“Travitha! What have you done?” he said, the anger rising through his body.

More to come as his story progresses…


Caiden Scott Merch is available in my Redbubble Gift Shop!

Sims 4 Traits

  • Wild (Toddler Trait)
  • Adventurous (Received Trait as a Child)
  • Party Animal (Received Trait as a Teenager)
  • Top-Notch Toddler
  • Storm Chaser Sim
  • Morning Sim
  • Inspired Explorer
  • Relatable

Likes & Dislikes


  • Fitness
  • Wellness
  • Video Games
  • Snow Boarding


  • Yellow

Skill Focus

  • Fitness



  • TBD



  • Leila Harris (best friend/girlfriend/ex-girlfriend)

Episode Appearances

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