Sims 4 Story Synopsis

Companion to Season 13, Chapter 246

Considering quitting his job to pursue a Cheesy Eyeball restaurant, Jarrett sits down to prepare his business plan.



After Tomi and Jarrett finished dinner, Tomi headed upstairs to go to bed. Being pregnant was exhausting, she thought to herself with a yawn.

Jarrett sat on their lime green couch day dreaming about the future. Should I quit my job and just open a cheesy ball food stand and see what happens? My balls could make us millionaires! He gleefully smiled.

“Cheesy Balls. Meaty Balls. Now you can taste both of my balls!” he said out loud while thinking of a slogan.

Hold up. Dad hasn’t taught me how to make meat balls yet. How can I offer that without perfecting it first? Maybe Dad will help me now that he’s retired?

“Keeping it in the family…Father and Son! You can now taste both of ours balls!” he smiled. Is that too long of a slogan? Maybe I need something shorter and catchier.

This bonus story is part of “The Legacy of Hannah McCoy” Season 13. For more episodes from the latest season, please visit the episode guide.

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