The snow crunched below Caiden’s feet as he walked up the path. His hands were trembling.

Is it from the cold or because of what I’ve done? he thought to himself.

His mind was racing. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine he’d be capable of something so vengeful. When he set out to find and confront Summer, he had no intention of sending her to the Grim Reaper.

Or did he? Was it meditative? Did he plan this?

Everything was such a blur now, he didn’t know what to believe. All he knew was he had to tell Jamie what he had done.

As he continued to make his trek through the woods to Jamie’s house, he spotted two kids setting up a campfire with pirate hats on and patches draped over one of their eyes. They were giggling innocently, lost in a world of make believe. Must be nice, Caiden thought. He once was one of those kids. Playful. Cheerful. Not a care in the world.

But now… now he was different.

Crunch. Crunch. He stared down at his feet as he was only steps away now from Jamie’s house. He didn’t know what he would say to her. On one hand, Summer was responsible for the death of Jamie’s mom. Maybe she’d understand? But on the other hand, how could she love someone capable of doing something so horrible?

The sun was falling behind Jamie’s home now as nightfall was only a couple hours away. As his thoughts continued to race, he looked up.

“Jamie?” he said stopping in his tracks.

Season 11 Begins Monday, July 17th!

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