Season 4, Episode 1, Chapter 44

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“I can’t live like this, Travis. I can’t live here knowing that Don is two houses away from us.”
“Ahhh!!! My arm is on fire!!!” Don screamed. Being a pyromaniac was all fun and games until he was the one on fire.
Travis kissed Hannah’s hand. “Don’t worry. If we have to, we’ll move. We have the money now, we can live anywhere you want,” he said as her fan continued to serenade them on the violin.
Inside, the fire was spreading.
“I love you so much, Travis,” Hannah said while giving him a hug.
She pulled away and greeted her fan. “You want an autograph?” She signed the photo to get rid of the fan as quickly as possible.
“Fire is not my friend!! Fire is not my friend!!” Don screamed looking at his hand.
With the fan gone, they started discussing plans. “We could move back to Taratosa,” Travis suggested.
The flames fully engulfed Don from head to toe.
“I think we need to find somewhere more spacious…somewhere we can have a private dwelling…like the countryside,” Hannah said as Don jumped around on fire in the kitchen.
Suddenly, a firewoman showed up and started putting the fire out.
“Put it out!! Put it out!!!” Don screamed.
The firewoman managed to save Don’s life just in time. Darn.
Now back at home, Travis pulled out his phone. It was time to leave their suburban home and move to the country…
They gathered the kids and said goodbye to their home in Newcrest. They were off on a new family adventure.
It was the evening and they arrived at their new home in Hedford-on-Bagley. It was everything they could’ve ever dreamed of in a home… plus it was a private dwelling and they could finally keep out unwanted guests…or so they assumed.
The family settled into their new home. Hannah cooked dinner in the kitchen…
The kids all played in their giant new playroom…
And Travis gave Buttercup a bath.
Casey, Carter, and Annabelle happily chatted as they ate their dinner.
Hannah gave Buttercup a big snuggle. Buttercup was getting pretty old, and she wanted to soak up every chance of snuggles she could.
Travis purchased some workout equipment so he could keep himself ripped.
And Jarrett loved playing video games on their giant new TV.
The next morning, Hannah went into town to explore. She decided to check out the local grocery store.
“Wow! So many options!” She exclaimed. Meanwhile, the employee was thrilled to see a celebrity enter the store! The other customer, however, was distraught and concerned it would affect the service he’d receive. He glared at Hannah.
When Hannah arrived home, she joined the kids in the playroom and swung Caiden into the air. “Weeeeeeee!” He shouted.
That evening, after the kids were in bed, Travis and Hannah lit a fire to have a romantic movie night outside. Unfortunately, one of the seats caught fire! But instead of freaking out and jumping around like Don, Hannah pulled out a fire extinguisher.
And after she put out some of the fire, Travis helped extinguish the fire as well. And that is how you actually handle a fire, Don…
Travis and Hannah sat down to enjoy the rest of their movie night under the stars together… Their new life is just beginning. Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens next!
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“I can’t live like this, Travis. I can’t live here knowing that Don is two houses away from us.”
“Ahhh!!! My arm is on fire!!!” Don screamed. Being a pyromaniac was all fun and games until he was the one on fire.
Travis kissed Hannah’s hand. “Don’t worry. If we have to, we’ll move. We have the money now, we can live anywhere you want,” he said as her fan continued to serenade them on the violin.
Inside, the fire was spreading.
“I love you so much, Travis,” Hannah said while giving him a hug.
She pulled away and greeted her fan. “You want an autograph?” She signed the photo to get rid of the fan as quickly as possible.
“Fire is not my friend!! Fire is not my friend!!” Don screamed looking at his hand.
With the fan gone, they started discussing plans. “We could move back to Taratosa,” Travis suggested.
The flames fully engulfed Don from head to toe.
“I think we need to find somewhere more spacious…somewhere we can have a private dwelling…like the countryside,” Hannah said as Don jumped around on fire in the kitchen.
Suddenly, a firewoman showed up and started putting the fire out.
“Put it out!! Put it out!!!” Don screamed.
The firewoman managed to save Don’s life just in time. Darn.
Now back at home, Travis pulled out his phone. It was time to leave their suburban home and move to the country…
They gathered the kids and said goodbye to their home in Newcrest. They were off on a new family adventure.
It was the evening and they arrived at their new home in Hedford-on-Bagley. It was everything they could’ve ever dreamed of in a home… plus it was a private dwelling and they could finally keep out unwanted guests…or so they assumed.
The family settled into their new home. Hannah cooked dinner in the kitchen…
The kids all played in their giant new playroom…
And Travis gave Buttercup a bath.
Casey, Carter, and Annabelle happily chatted as they ate their dinner.
Hannah gave Buttercup a big snuggle. Buttercup was getting pretty old, and she wanted to soak up every chance of snuggles she could.
Travis purchased some workout equipment so he could keep himself ripped.
And Jarrett loved playing video games on their giant new TV.
The next morning, Hannah went into town to explore. She decided to check out the local grocery store.
“Wow! So many options!” She exclaimed. Meanwhile, the employee was thrilled to see a celebrity enter the store! The other customer, however, was distraught and concerned it would affect the service he’d receive. He glared at Hannah.
When Hannah arrived home, she joined the kids in the playroom and swung Caiden into the air. “Weeeeeeee!” He shouted.
That evening, after the kids were in bed, Travis and Hannah lit a fire to have a romantic movie night outside. Unfortunately, one of the seats caught fire! But instead of freaking out and jumping around like Don, Hannah pulled out a fire extinguisher.
And after she put out some of the fire, Travis helped extinguish the fire as well.  And that is how you actually handle a fire, Don…
Travis and Hannah sat down to enjoy the rest of their movie night under the stars together…  Their new life is just beginning. Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens next!
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